XiX Music Player


wednesday, 18 may 2022
Windows build compiles ...

I've once again setup a Windows environment so I can compile XiXMusicPlayer for Windows too.
Only a 64-bit build will become available.

Download will follow soon.

sunday, 8 may 2022
Updated lyric engine and Lyric plugins ...

All lyric plugins have been tested, updated or removed, so all available lyric plugins work as planned.
The Lyric engine is also updated, so more html tags in the lyrics get removed

For the moment WGET needs to be installed, because the internal download procedure does not work with https-sites.
This will get solved in future releases

saturday, 7 may 2022
Once again XiX Musix Player is reviving ...

I've been using XiXMusicPlayer myself almost on a daily basis, but didn't have the time to change more than the necessary small things to keep it usefull.
The previous download & version have some trouble connecting to the lyrics-providers (even my own :) ) and online radiostations (due to the disappearing of listenlive.eu)

An updated version will be placed online very soon. It will not contain new functionality. It will be the same as the old, but without the above mentioned problems.

Work will continue to XiXMusicPlayer and new option and different fullscreen modes will get added.

XiXMusicPlayer uses the fantastic un4seen BASS-libraries, but these are closed source (but still free to use for non commercial projects). To make a Haiku version possible, I am looking to use an alternative OpenSource library next to the BASS-version.

The website will also gain more functionality, such as finding lyrics, artist info & discography, ...

Keep an eye out on the website to follow the development